Monday, March 1, 2021

Final Task: Planning Script Blog

Storyboard Page 1

Scene 1

    -Light & happy music.

Scene 2

    -Light & happy music fades out.

    -WILLA DAWN: "I love you, mom!"

    -MS. DAWN: "I love you too sweetie."

Scene 3

    -Glass-shattering noise plays.

Scene 4

    -WILLA DAWN: Hey mom, can we go hang out after school?"

    -MS. DAWN: I can't today, I'm really busy.

Scene 5

    -WILLA DAWN: *softly* "But you're always busy..."

Scene 6

    -MS. DAWN: *out of screen* "Willa, hurry up!!"

Storyboard Page 2

Scene 7

    -No dialogue.

Scene 8

    -No dialogue.

Scene 9

    -No dialogue.

Scene 10

    -No audible dialogue, just confused noises from the unicorn.

Scene 11

    -No dialogue.

Scene 12

    -WILLA DAWN: *screams*

Storyboard Page 3

Scene 13

    -WILLA DAWN: Who are you?! What are you doing here?!

Scene 14

    -No audible dialogue.

Scene 15

    -FANTASIA: *through phone* I am your stuffed animal Fantasia.

Scene 16

    -No dialogue.

Scene 17

    -No dialogue.

Scene 18

    -MS. DAWN: *out of frame* Willa, I am leaving now!

Storyboard Page 4

Scene 19

    -No dialogue.

Scene 20

    -No dialogue.

Scene 21

    -No dialogue.

Scene 22

    -No dialogue.

Scene 23

    -No dialogue.

Scene 24

    -MS. DAWN: "Hey, I'm going to have to cancel today. Yeah, I'm going out with Willa to the park. I've been so busy that I haven't been hanging out with her and she seems sad. Yeah, sorry. I'm going to go now, take care.

Storyboard Page 5

Scene 25

    -No dialogue.

Scene 26

    -No dialogue.

Scene 27

    -No dialogue.

Scene 28

    -No audible dialogue.

Scene 29

    -MS. DAWN: "Hey Willa. How was your day?"

    -WILLA DAWN: "It was good. Where are we going?"

    -MS. DAWN: "We're going to hang out together at the park together!"

    -WILLA DAWN: *dialogue fading out* Really?!

Scene 30

    -No dialogue.

Storyboard Page 6

Scene 31

    -No dialogue.

Scene 32

    -No dialogue.

Scene 33

    -No dialogue.

Scene 34

    -No dialogue.

Scene 35 

    -No dialogue.

Scene 36

    -No dialogue.

Storyboard Page 7

Scene 37

    -No dialogue.

Scene 38

    -No dialogue.

Scene 39

    -WILLA DAWN: "Hey mom.. thanks for going out with me today. You've been so busy recently that I've felt that we've been drifting apart and I don't want that.."

Scene 40

    -MS. DAWN: "I'm sorry honey. I'll try to make some more time for you."

Scene 41

    -WILLA DAWN: I love you mom.

    -MS. DAWN: I love you too.

Scene 42

    -Phone ringing.

Storyboard Page 8

Scene 43

    -WILLA DAWN: *fading* "Hey.. Yeah, I told Vanessa that I couldn't come today. Yeah, sorry.."

Scene 44

    -No dialogue.

Scene 45

    -No dialogue.

Scene 46

    -No dialogue.

Scene 47

    -No dialogue.

Scene 48

    -No dialogue.

Storyboard Page 9

Scene 49

    -No dialogue.

Scene 50

    -CANDY KIDNAPPER: "Hey little girl... I have this car full of candy. Do you wanna come in?"

    -WILLA DAWN: "I do love candy! Who's that man in that photo?"

    -CANDY KIDNAPPER: "Don't mind that.. Do you want some candy? I have a bunch in that car."

Scene 51

    -WILLA DAWN: "Hmmm....."

    -WILLA DAWN: "I don't know ma'am. My mommy told me not to take candy from strang-"

Scene 52

    -No dialogue.

Storyboard Page 10

Scene 53

    -No dialogue.

Scene 54

    -No dialogue.

Scene 55

    -FANTASIA: *through phone* "I will save her..."

Scene 56

    -MS. DAWN: "Who are you?!"

Scene 57

    -No dialogue.

    -Light & happy music.

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      This is my CCR for my recent project. This film was very fun and a great experience for me to do.