Monday, March 1, 2021

Title Research: Watch The Titles

   For title research, I used the website that was recommended in our class modules Watch The Title ( ). Upon entering the website it was very inviting and colorful. I experimented with it and clicked on many different things. I loved playing around with the website and looking at the video information available.  I. searched up many different movies that I have watched to look at them more in-depth. Then I proceeded to look more in the fantasy drama direction for our reference. The website has many different learning tools like ratios and explanations. There are many different styles to look at and to choose to get inspiration from. This website shows where the hard work is put in and where the designers get their creativity from. The specifics of this website put all films into perspective and gave me an overall view of films.

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      This is my CCR for my recent project. This film was very fun and a great experience for me to do.