Thursday, April 1, 2021

2 More Days Until Filming (Hopefully this time..)

     This Saturday, I will be filming with Nikaliyah. Perla is feeling much better, and I am glad that she and her family are recovering. We don't want to get sick, and we of course would want to follow CDC guidelines, so we are still not going to film with her. Our replacements for actors have been set. We replaced Perla and her sister with Nikaliyah's brother and my brother. We have switched the single mom into a single dad, as my brother is replacing Perla. We have also switched the role of the daughter to be a son, for Nikaliyah's brother is replacing Perla's sister. 

    Perla being sick sets back our plans, as we have to change them. I do not blame her for being sick, as it is something she could not handle. We have to change all of our changing locations. For the beginning scenes, we planned to do it at her house because she has a spacious closet. We changed that location to Nikaliyah's house. Since Nikaliyah lives far from Perla and I, we decided to change the park and school locations so we would not have to drive half an hour to the locations we set. Croissant Park Elementary School's location has now been changed to North Lauderdale Academy. Gore Betz Park's location has been changed to Hampton Pines Park. It would not have been sensible to keep the locations, and I believe it would not affect our filming greatly. 

    We plan to film this Saturday. Currently, we are checking in with our parents to see if we would have to film on the following Sunday. We would want to film everything on Saturday, but understand that we might not be able to and film on Sunday as well. 

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      This is my CCR for my recent project. This film was very fun and a great experience for me to do.