Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Commercial Blog

 Looking at my commercial now... 

    I could change some things. I could have made the first shot a bit longer as it did not fully showcase many aspects of the desk. The flickering light was not shown properly, and the Crayola label on the Air-Dry clay container can not be shown well either; it was barely visible. We were in a rush to make sure that the clip could be no longer than 5 seconds that we couldn't even reach 5 seconds. The towel in the claymation was placed incorrectly, so I wish I had watched the clip beforehand so I could have placed the towel correctly. I also wish that I had taken more time on the claymation, as it looks a bit choppy. I would like to have used better transitions for this commercial as well. The shot between the doll being placed down and before it animates looks rough, and I could have done it differently. I should have kept the angle the same, but since I was holding the camera up, it would have tired my arms quickly. It would have been uneven as I would have to keep it up while repositioning the doll and I did not have a tripod. I used many things to keep my phone up.

    I think I improved my editing skills, even if it is just a little bit. I did not know how to edit before I took this class and I knew nothing about production, however, creating this commercial has given me more knowledge. Looking at my commercial now, I see a plethora of opportunities to continue improving on my production and editing skills. I feel this project demonstrates my ability to progress in my production. It demonstrates that as a beginner, there is potential for refining my skills. This project was not only fun to create, but a good learning experience. I underwent the tedious tasks and found a way to enjoy myself while doing it. 

    If the video is not able to be viewed here, this link should be able to take you straight to the unlisted video. 


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      This is my CCR for my recent project. This film was very fun and a great experience for me to do.